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A Belated Banshee Update

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Banshee's doing much better. Thanks to everyone who sent him good wishes!

The cast came off a few week's ago. Here's how it looked:

Banshee's cast

He's since had the stitches out and had another x-ray. He's got three more weeks before they take the pin out, but he doesn't seem to be in pain. He limps about with authority (like House (but without the cane)). Of course, he can't jump like he used to, but he can move surprisingly quickly when he wants to (which is generally only when food is involved).

One of my cats, Banshee, broke his leg yesterday. Not sure how. He's a big boy (18 lbs.) (yah, I know Banshee is derived from the Gaelic for "Fairy Woman" (I didn't name him)). He may have been trying to jump up onto the kitchen sink, or gotten tangled up in the stuff in the cabinet under the kitchen sink, or both.

He woke me up yesterday morning, crying in pain (keening as it were). Apart from that he was in pain and couldn't stand up, I had no idea what was wrong. In something of a panic, I took him to a nice (but freakin' expensive) emergency pet hospital. In retrospect, I should have taken him to my regular vet. clinic, which has longer Sunday hours than I thought. They diagnosed the broken leg, gave him pain meds (and two take-home doses for later), and took two x-ray (like?) computer-images which they gave to me on a CD-ROM. The vet said that the break was so high on his leg that he'd need surgery. And... they don't do non-emergency surgery at the fancy clinic. So... $340  later, Banshee comes home diagnosed, in less pain (at least), and with instructions to see my regular vet on Monday.

Which I did. He now has a pin (a large screw, really) in his leg and a soft cast (pictures forthcoming). The vet (at my regular place) said the surgery went well. Banshee's still wiggy from the anesthesia and unhappy about the cast and pain, but he's home. I'm worried about how well he'll deal with the cast for another two weeks and then two to four weeks with the pin still in. He also needs to go on a diet (which may be worse (feh)).

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